The Diocesan Museum, built inside the Oratory of San Bernardino to the Lawn, we can see an overview of Sienese painting at the turn of the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Some frescoes from the church of San Francesco, are the work of Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti, the latter also the author of the Madonna del Latte.
The Oldie painted in the fifteenth century, a shovel of the Pietà, completed by a group of polychrome wood by the same author. Date back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the altar in the oratory and small art gallery called the attic: a Christ Carrying the Domenico Beccafumi, some small plates of Sodom and Riccio, and works by Ventura Salimbeni, Alessandro Casolani, Rutilio Manetti and Bernardino Mei.
The Oratory Superior room has a coffered ceiling decorated with cherubs' heads, the walls are frescoed with Stories of the Virgin of Pacchia of Sodom and Beccafumi.
The Diocesan Museum, built inside the Oratory of San Bernardino to the Lawn, we can see an overview of Sienese painting at the turn of the fourteenth to the seventeenth century. Some frescoes from the church of San Francesco, are the work of Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti, the latter also the author of the Madonna del Latte.
The Oldie painted in the fifteenth century, a shovel of the Pietà, completed by a group of polychrome wood by the same author. Date back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the altar in the oratory and small art gallery called the attic: a Christ Carrying the Domenico Beccafumi, some small plates of Sodom and Riccio, and works by Ventura Salimbeni, Alessandro Casolani, Rutilio Manetti and Bernardino Mei.
The Oratory Superior room has a coffered ceiling decorated with cherubs' heads, the walls are frescoed with Stories of the Virgin of Pacchia of Sodom and Beccafumi.