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02 - Enea Silvio ambasciatore alla corte di Scozia Siena
Artist: Pinturicchio
Year: 1503 - 1507
Current location: Biblioteca Piccolomini
Original location: Biblioteca Piccolomini
The scene shows Enea Silvio, in the wake of Cardinal Nicholas Albergati, goes to James I of Scotland, with the appointment by the Basel Conciclio to enter into an alliance with the king. The scene, centered on the throne of the monarch, is set within a grand architecture behind with a panoramic view. Please note some features such as the floor, with patterned white on white and a fine Oriental rug and ceiling with coffered and gilded rosettes.
Behind the illustrious opens a grand loggia decorated old-fashioned, overlooking a stunning landscape. As is typical of Pinturicchio, the landscape is enlivened by some bizarre elements, such as the rocky spur on the left and the towered city along the river crossed by boats, characteristic symbol of Nordic environments. Traditional Umbrian are the slow sloping hills, bluish tones that fade in the distance due to the haze, and many deciduous trees, enlivened by lriflessi gold in the foliage.
Enea Silvio is the character to the left in red dress and long blond hair to the monarch turns his gaze
02 - Enea Silvio ambasciatore alla corte di Scozia